Have you got the makings of a wildlife vet? Test your knowledge! (Quiz)
Have you always dreamed of being a wildlife veterinarian in South Africa? Picture bouncing across the bush in the back of a jeep in pursuit of a darted giraffe, monitoring the vital signs of an immobilised buffalo, or operating on an injured cheetah. If this sounds like the career of your dreams, our wildlife veterinary volunteering opportunities are here to make it a reality!
Whether you're just starting your veterinary studies or you're a seasoned veterinarian seeking new challenges, we can tailor your volunteer experience to match your expertise and goals.
Before embarking on your adventure in the field, test your veterinary knowledge with our quiz below to see if you have what it takes to thrive as a wildlife vet in South Africa.
Ready to become a wildlife vet in South Africa?
Join our Shimonwe Wildlife Veterinary Experience as a veterinary volunteer and work with experienced veterinarians to support conservation efforts while building your skills and knowledge!

Wildlife vet quiz questions and answers
What is the main risk factor when darting and sedating giraffe?
Their low tolerance to tranquillisers is due to their higher-than-average blood pressure. Fast work is essential
Rhino skin is extremely thick, making access to their veins very challenging. Where would you attach a drip on a rhino?
In their ear
Elephants can have a destructive impact on the habitat if their number exceeds the viable population size for a reserve. Some reserves opt for a non-hormonal contraceptive to control the size of their elephant population. How does a wildlife vet administer the contraceptive?
With a dart gun
Perissodactyla are mammals that are characterised by an odd number of toes and hindgut fermentation. Horses are perissodactyla - but which of these African species also belongs in this category?
Sedating big game like buffalo, rhino or giraffe requires an extremely powerful tranquilliser. This drug is highly restricted in South Africa, as the smallest dose can be fatal to humans. What is this drug called?
Many wildlife reserves in South Africa border agricultural areas, increasing the risk of diseases spreading between livestock and wildlife. Taking blood samples from buffalo to test them for infectious diseases is a common task for wildlife vets. Which of these infectious diseases poses a significant threat to buffalo?
Bovine TB
Whose skull is being x-rayed here?
What is the main cause of unnatural death in vultures?
Eating poisoned carcasses left out by poachers or local communities in retaliation for human-wildlife conflict
Which of these animals' digestive systems most closely resembles that of a rhino?
A dog is brought to your clinic. It is struggling to breathe and shows clear marks of having been bitten by a snake. Which snake is the likely culprit?
Black Mamba